Dr Kenneth Donkor-Hyiaman wins the 'Most Promising Senior Member' awards at the 2nd CABE Excellence Awards

Congratulations to Dr Kenneth Appiah Donkor-Hyiaman on winning the "MOST PROMISING SENIOR MEMBER" at the 2nd College of Arts and Built Environment (CABE) Excellence Awards event last night. The CABE Excellence Awards award the work and efforts of the college staff. The "MOST PROMISING SENIOR MEMBER" award goes to a senior member (academic) who joined the university within the last three years and has made the most outstanding contribution to teaching, research, and service to the university, nation, and international community. We celebrate him for this sterling achievement and look forward to more awards in the future.
Summary of Contributions
His teaching responsibilities cut across undergraduate to postgraduate programmes at the Department. Undergraduate courses he handles include Property Finance, Property Investment Appraisal, and Real Estate Development. At the masters level he handles the Sustainability in Facilities Management course and Entrepreneurial Management of the MSc Facilities Management and MSc Land Governance and Policy programmes respectively.
He was recently appointed as the Department's Examinations Officer after serving as the Assistant Examinations Officer in the last two years. He is also the Web Content Manager and E-Learning Focal Person at the Department, and has contributed immensely to the recent increasing visibility of the Department on Social Media. He has served on various university committees including the Curriculum sub-committee, Vice Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Property Appraisal, Faculty Covid-19 Monitoring team, member of the TUM-KNUST organising committee, and a member of the Research Committee of the Ghana Chamber of Construction Industry.
His research works have both academic and policy relevance. He has 12 peer reviewed publications in reputable journals; 6 working papers, 9 policy research reports and monographs for institutions including the World Bank, Association of Ghana Industries Construction Sector, Ghana Chamber of Construction Industry, Global Communities, Centre for Affordable Housing Finance in Africa, and the Chartered Institute of Building. Besides this, he is a peer reviewer for reputable journals including Housing Studies, Cities, International Journal of Housing Analysis and Markets, Journal of Housing and Built Environment, Journal of Engineering Design and Technology, and the African Journal of Business Management. His research works have been presented at leading real estate conferences including the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA) conference and the African Real Estate Society (AfRES) Conference. This year alone, he has been speaker and panelist at the 6th International Federation of Surveyors Young Surveyors Network (FIG YSN) Conference, the Green Building Summit, African Real Estate Conference and Expo as well as led stakeholder dialogues on the proposed Construction Industry Development Bill.