Creation of Ahafo region and local land market dynamics; evidence from Goaso and Nkaseim stool land areas in Ghana

We are happy to announce a new research paper published by Dr Joseph Kidido in the Survey Review Journal:
This study examined land market dynamics in the new Ahafo Region. The study employed qualitative survey design and interviewed varied stakeholders in Goaso and Nkaseim stools areas. The results revealed that there is a growing land market characterised by rising land access cost, land use changes and adjustments in the local landholding profile within the market frontiers. This development is underpinned by new investment opportunities associated with the new region. The local land market is currently devoid of land guards’ activities and multiple sales. Again, almost all the state institutions and allied offices mandated to carryout land administration were yet to be established at the regional level. The study underscores the need for government to speed up with the decentralisation of regional offices of the land sector agencies to support the local land governance structures as impetus for efficient land market, growth and investments in the new region.